张新,骆宗安,周宏宇,刘照松,杨劲松.6061铝合金真空轧制复合工艺研究[J].有色金属材料与工程,2024,45(5):78-84. |
6061铝合金真空轧制复合工艺研究 |
Research on vacuum roll-bonding of 6061 aluminum alloy |
DOI:10.13258/j.cnki.nmme.20231207001 |
中文关键词: 6061铝合金 真空轧制复合 轧制压下率 连接界面 力学性能 |
英文关键词:6061 aluminum alloy vacuum roll-bonding rolling reduction rate bonding interface mechanical property |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2018YFA0707300);山东省重点研发计划项目(2020CXGC010304) |
摘要点击次数: 6 |
全文下载次数: 182 |
中文摘要: |
对6061铝合金进行了真空轧制复合及热处理实验,采用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、电子探针微量分析仪和电子万能试验机研究了轧制压下率对铝合金复合板连接界面处显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,颗粒状Mg2Si相沿热轧态连接界面间断性析出,并在后续热处理过程中发生回溶。60%压下率的时效态界面存在富含Mg、O的未愈合缺陷,相应的固溶态和时效态拉伸断口均呈脆性断裂特征。80%压下率的连接界面表现出良好的愈合效果,并且时效态界面处Mg、O的富集被有效降低,热轧态、固溶态和时效态拉伸断口均呈韧性断裂特征,对应的抗拉强度分别为166、229、305 MPa。 |
英文摘要: |
Vacuum roll-bonding and heat treatment were carried out on the 6061 aluminum alloy, and the effect of reduction rate on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the bonding interface of aluminum alloy laminates was investigated using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalyzer, and electronic universal testing machine. The results indicated that the granular Mg2Si phase precipitated intermittently along the hot-rolled interface and underwent back dissolution during subsequent heat treatment. There were unhealed defects rich in Mg and O at the aged interface at 60% reduction rate, and the corresponding tensile fracture in both solution-treated and aged states exhibited brittle fracture characteristics. The bonding interface at 80% reduction rate exhibited good healing effect, and the enrichment of Mg and O at the aged interface was effectively reduced. The tensile fractures in the hot-rolled, solution-treated, and aged states all exhibited ductile fracture characteristics, with corresponding tensile strengths of 166, 229, and 305 MPa, respectively. |
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