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Design of New Rotating Chuck Driven Internal Mold Direct Pressing Mechanism
中文关键词:  盘丝驱动内模直压机构  结构设计  静力学分析
英文关键词:rotating chuck driven internal mold direct pressing mechanism  structural design  statics analysis
陆尧 上海理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 上海 200093  
雷君相 上海理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 上海 200093 junxlei@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 523379
全文下载次数: 1527
      In order to solve the problems of high consumption of rubber and energy in traditional vulcanizer capsule, a new type of internal mold direct pressing mechanism was designed to replace the traditional vulcanizer capsule. By using the upper and lower double chuck mechanism to drive the large and small metal forming drums respectively and make them complete the complex axial and radial contraction movement, the vulcanization process without capsule in the vulcanizer was achieved. Based on the key motion parameters and structural parameters of large and small metal forming drums, the structural design of the key components of the internal mold direct pressing mechanism was completed, the function of the mechanism was achieved, and the motion interference in the parts of the mechanism was effectively avoided. The static simulation analysis of the internal mold direct pressing mechanism was carried out by ANSYS software. According to the results of the simulation analysis, the mechanism was optimized to meet the strength requirements of the vulcanization state.
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