李昊,孙浩,孙继锋,邱汉迅.FeCrAl多孔材料烧结体表面球状物和结壳形成原因研究[J].有色金属材料与工程,2019,40(5):22-26,31. |
FeCrAl多孔材料烧结体表面球状物和结壳形成原因研究 |
Study on the Formation of Spheres and Crust on the Surface of Sintered FeCrAl Porous Materials |
DOI:10.13258/j.cnki.nmme.2019.05.004 |
中文关键词: FeCrAl 烧结 结壳层 球状物 渗C |
英文关键词:FeCrAl sintering crust spheres carburization |
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中文摘要: |
以FeCrAl粉末为原料,采用粉末冶金法制备FeCrAl多孔材料,试样烧结后表面出现球状物和结壳现象。采用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和X射线能谱仪等设备,对球状物和结壳进行表征,探讨其形成原因并提出预防措施。结果表明:烧结体表面产生球状物和结壳与材料增碳(C)有关。C来源于黏结剂和石墨发热体,在烧结过程中会促进样品表层烧结,形成壳层;C的进一步渗入会降低表层区域熔点,使表层熔化形成液相,冷却后形成球状物。采用硅钼发热体烧结炉可避免试样表面产生球状物和结壳。 |
英文摘要: |
Porous FeCrAl was prepared by powder metallurgy using pre-alloyed FeCrAl powders as raw material. Spheres and crust appeared on the sample surface after sintering. The spheroids and crust were characterized by means of optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and X-ray energy spectrometer. The causes of their formation were discussed, and the precautions were proposed. The results show that the formation of globules and crust on the sintered body surface is related to the carburization (C) of materials. C comes from the binder and the graphite heater, which can promote the sintering of the sample surface and form the crust during the sintering process. The further infiltration of C can reduce the melting point of the surface area, make the surface melt into liquid phase, and form globules after cooling. The formation of globules and crust on the sample surface can be avoided by using silicon-molybdenum heater sintering furnace. |
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