张平,李晨,陈焘,王多书.基于透射光谱确定硅碳氧薄膜的光学常数[J].有色金属材料与工程,2013,34(2):. |
基于透射光谱确定硅碳氧薄膜的光学常数 |
Determination of the Optical Properties of Silicon Oxycarbide Thin Films from Transmission Spectra |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 透射光谱 硅碳氧薄膜 光学常数 |
英文关键词:transmission spectra silicon oxycarbide films optical properties |
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摘要点击次数: 527956 |
全文下载次数: 2611 |
中文摘要: |
硅碳氧薄膜是一种含有Si、C和O三种元素的玻璃状化合物材料,同时拥有碳化硅薄膜及氧化硅薄膜多种优异的特性,如热稳定性好、能带宽、折射率大、硬度高和热导率高等,是一种具有潜在应用价值的新颖光学薄膜.基于硅碳氧薄膜的紫外/可见/近红外透射光谱,采用Swanepoel极值包络线法,结合WDD色散模型,建立了一套精确、方便并适合于计算硅碳氧薄膜光学常数的方法.方便地获得了硅碳氧薄膜折射率、厚度等光学常数.并将厚度计算结果与实际测量值进行了比较.结果表明,试验中研究硅碳氧薄膜光学常数所采用的方法是合理的,能够准确地获得硅碳氧薄膜的折射率及厚度等光学常数. |
英文摘要: |
Silicon oxycarbide(SiCO)thin films,an advanced optical material,have many preferred properties,such as high thermal conductivity,low thermal expansion coefficient,high hardness,etc.By combining Swanepoel’s theory and the WDD dispersion model,a simple method is established to determine the optical constants of SiCO films directly from the corresponding transmission spectra.The results show that the calculated film thickness is in satisfactory agreement with the result derived from Step Tester Dektak 8,indicating the reliability and feasibility of the method in determining the optical constants of SiCO films. |
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