张俊祺,张明玉,宋一新,岳旭.纯钛板表面缺陷形成机制以及对组织性能的影响[J].有色金属材料与工程,2024,45(6):68-74. |
纯钛板表面缺陷形成机制以及对组织性能的影响 |
Formation mechanism of surface defect and its influence on microstructure and properties of pure titanium plate |
DOI:10.13258/j.cnki.nmme.20231204001 |
中文关键词: 钛板 缺陷 微观组织 维氏硬度 |
英文关键词:titanium plate defect microstructure Vickers hardness |
基金项目:自治区重点研发计划资助项目(2022B01029);自治区创新环境(人才、基地)建设专项—天山创新团队计划资助项目(2020D14041) |
摘要点击次数: 2 |
全文下载次数: 22 |
中文摘要: |
因退火态冷轧纯钛板表面存在缺陷,故选取其缺陷位置以及正常位置,采用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、维氏硬度计对其进行分析。研究发现:钛板缺陷位置与正常位置金相组织无明显差异,且无明显氧化层出现;缺陷位置组织中的晶粒取向以<0001>方向为主,正常位置组织中的晶粒取向分布十分均匀,无明显的取向集中存在;有多种不同类型的氧化物以及夹杂物存在于缺陷中。经分析得出:主要是在冶金过程中,Fe、Mg、O、C、Si、Al等元素在冶金与加工过程被带入所致。测得缺陷位置平均维氏硬度为130.1,正常位置平均维氏硬度为104.7,缺陷位置平均维氏硬度较正常位置的高25.4;缺陷位置内部弥散分布的细小析出相主要为 TiC及微量的(Fe、Ti)C。 |
英文摘要: |
There are defect on the surfaces of the annealed cold rolled pure titanium plate. Therefore, the defect area and the normal area are selected and analyzed by optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, and Vickers hardness tester. It can be seen that there is no significant difference in the metallographic structure between the defect position and the normal position of the titanium plate, and no obvious oxide layer appeared. The <0001> crystal orientation dominates in the defect area, and the crystal orientation distribution in the normal area is very uniform without obvious orientation concentration. There are many different types of oxides and inclusions in the defects. According to the analysis, it is mainly caused by the introduction of Fe, Mg, O, C, Si, Al and other elements in the metallurgical process. The average Vickers hardness is 130.1 in the defect position while 104.7 in the normal position, which is 25.4 higher than that in the normal position. The fine precipitates dispersed in the defect position are mainly composed of TiC and trace (Fe, Ti) C. |
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