  • 主管单位:
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  • 主办单位:
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  • 名誉主编:
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  • 主    编:
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  • 地    址:
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  • 国际标准刊号:
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  • 国内统一刊号:
  • 31-2125/TF
  • 单    价:
  • 8.00
  • 定    价:
  • 60.00
Process of cyanide-free nickel copper plating blackening for calendered copper foil
中文关键词:  压延铜箔  镍铜合金  无氰电镀  镀层成分  镀液成分
英文关键词:calendered copper foil  nickel copper alloy  cyanide-free plating  coating composition  bath composition
叶海清 上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093  
刘新宽 上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093 xinkuanliu@usst.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 13
全文下载次数: 187
      In order to develop a nickel copper plating blackening process with lower cost compared to pure nickel plating blackening process, taking NiSO4·6H2O, CuSO4·5H2O, H3BO3, (NH4)2S2O8, and C6H15NO3 as basic components of plating solution, metal is deposited on the surface of the copper foil to form a light trap structure by using additives, thereby achieving the goal of blackening the copper foil byplating nickel copper. The effects of plating solution and process parameters on the light of the plating layer were studied. The composition of the blackened foil plating layer was tested, and the structure of the plating layer was observed and analyzed. The research result shows that Cu replaces Ni in the plating of nickel copper blackened copper foil to form a plating layer. Through XRD analysis of the composition of the plating layer, it can be determined that the composition of the plating layer is a nickel copper alloy. At the same time, the additives can reduce the current density duringplating, achieving the goal of low costs.
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