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Effect of in-situ synthesized CNTs on the properties of copper-based composites
中文关键词:  原位生长  铜基复合材料  CNTs  摩擦磨损  粉末冶金
英文关键词:in-situ synthesize  copper-based composite  carbon nanotubes  friction and wear  powder metallurgy
周金佳 上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093  
陈小红 上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093 cxh992@163.com 
周洪雷 上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093  
付少利 上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093  
摘要点击次数: 16
全文下载次数: 577
      通过化学气相沉积(chemical vapor deposition, CVD)法成功制备了CNTs/Cu-Al2O3复合材料。采用内氧化法制备Cu-Al2O3粉末,利用CVD技术改善碳纳米管(carbon nanotubes, CNTs)在铜基体中的分散性和界面结合,提高复合材料的性能。在制备的铜基复合材料中,Al2O3和CNTs双增强相的加入能够提高复合材料的力学性能,且CNTs独特的纤维结构有助于阻止熔融铜脱离基体表面,保持液态熔池稳定,避免复合材料导电率降低。双增强相的添加提高了复合材料的耐磨性、抑制了腐蚀坑的形成。Al的质量分数为0.35%的CNTs/Cu-Al2O3复合材料能够保证导电率较高的情况下得到较高的维氏硬度与致密度。为制备高性能铜基电接触材料提供了新思路。
      CNTs/Cu-Al2O3 composites were successfully prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Cu-Al2O3 powders were prepared by internal oxidation, and CVD was used to improve the dispersion and interface bonding of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in copper matrix, to increase the properties of composites. In the prepared copper-based composites, the addition of Al2O3 and CNTs dual strengthening phases can improve the mechanical properties of the composites, and the unique fiber structure of CNTs helps prevent molten copper from leaving the matrix surface, maintain the stability of liquid melt pool, and avoid the decrease in the conductivity of composite materials. The addition of dual strengthening phases improves the wear resistance of the composites and suppresses the formation of corrosion pits. Higher Vickers hardness and density can be obtained in the CNTs/Cu-Al2O3 composites with 0.35 mass% Al with higher conductivity maintained. A new approach for preparing high-performance copper-based electrical contact materials is provided.
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