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Research progress on modification of nickel-rich ternary cathode materials
中文关键词:  Li+电池  富镍三元正极材料  晶体结构  存在问题  改性研究
英文关键词:lithium-ion battery  nickel-rich ternary cathode materials  crystal structure  existing problems  research of modification
肖黎 上海理工大学 机械工程学院上海 200093  
孙磊 上海理工大学 机械工程学院上海 200093  
徐子轩 长春光华学院 机械工程学院长春 130033  
刘旭燕 上海理工大学 机械工程学院上海 200093 lxuyan@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 18
全文下载次数: 712
      Nickel-rich ternary cathode material is considered as a promising electrode material because of its high energy density and low cost. However, nickel-rich ternary cathode materials also have problems such as capacity attenuation and poor thermal stability. Firstly, the crystal structure characteristics of nickel rich ternary cathode materials are discussed, and the existing problems of ternary cathode materials are briefly summarized. Secondly, the modification methods to improve the electrochemical properties of cathode materials such as morphology control, structure design, doping and coating are reviewed. The effects of fluorine doping and rare-earth element doping, as well as different synthetic methods of coating silica on the electrochemical properties are summarized. Finally, the future development in this field is summarized and prospected.
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