褚献献,李翔,毛小建,章健,王士维.镁硅氧化物助剂对AlON陶瓷光学和力学性能影响[J].有色金属材料与工程,2024,45(3):18-23. |
镁硅氧化物助剂对AlON陶瓷光学和力学性能影响 |
Effects of Mg-Si oxide sintering aids on the optical and mechanical properties of AlON ceramics |
DOI:10.13258/j.cnki.nmme.20240418001 |
中文关键词: MgO-SiO2 AlON陶瓷 透过率 力学性能 |
英文关键词:MgO-SiO2 AlON ceramics transmittance mechanical properties |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(52072245;52130207;52272076) |
摘要点击次数: 14 |
全文下载次数: 453 |
中文摘要: |
以实验室碳热还原氮化法自制γ-AlON粉为原料,首次以金属氧化物MgO-SiO2为烧结助剂,采用氮气气氛无压预烧结(1 860 °C)结合热等静压(hot isostatic pressing,HIP)技术(1 800 °C),制备了具有优异光学和力学性能的AlON陶瓷。结果表明,MgO掺杂质量分数为0.1%时,随着SiO2掺杂量的增加,AlON陶瓷的透过率有所提升;0.1%MgO+0.5%SiO2共掺杂时制备的AlON陶瓷(5 mm厚)在1 000、2 500 nm波长处的透过率分别达83.6%、85.7%;采用三点弯曲法测得陶瓷的抗弯强度达306.3 MPa。相比传统MgO-Y2O3助剂,MgO-SiO2助剂在保证AlON陶瓷优异光学性能的同时,晶粒尺寸更加细小,力学性能更加优异。 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper, home-made γ-AlON powder prepared by the carbothermal reduction method was used as the starting material to fabricate AlON transparent ceramics by pressureless sintering in a nitrogen atmosphere (holding at 1 860 °C) combined with hot isostatic pressing (HIP) technology (1 800 °C). For the first time, metal oxide MgO-SiO2 was used as a sintering aid. As a result, AlON ceramics with excellent optical and mechanical properties were successfully prepared. The results showed that when the doping mass fraction of MgO is 0.1%, the transmittance of AlON ceramics increased as the amount of SiO2 doping increased. The transmittance of AlON ceramics (5 mm thick) co-doped with 0.1% MgO+0.5% SiO2 reached 83.6% at 1 000 nm and 85.7% at 2 500 nm. The flexural strength of the AlON ceramic was tested using the three-point bending method, achieving a value of 306.3 MPa. Compared to traditional MgO-Y2O3 additives, MgO-SiO2 additives not only maintain the excellent optical performance of the ceramics but also result in a finer grain structure, thus demonstrating superior mechanical properties. |
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