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Co/N-doped porous carbon spheres for H2O2 electrosynthesis
中文关键词:  多孔碳球  含氧基团  氧还原反应  H2O2
英文关键词:porous carbon sphere  oxygen groups  oxidation reduction reaction  H2O2
雷强 上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093  
唐志红 上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093 zhtang@usst.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 2
全文下载次数: 30
      以葡萄糖制备的多孔碳(porous carbon,PC)球为基体,采用旋蒸热解法制备了Co/N掺杂多孔PC(PC-CoN),通过进一步氧化制备了富含氧基团的PC-CoN(PC-CoN-O),并探究其氧还原反应(oxidation reduction reaction,ORR)性能。结构表征显示:PC-CoN-O具有较高的比表面积(703.95 m2/g)和丰富的孔径,利于提高传质效率;进一步分析发现,催化剂富含氧基团,氧的原子分数高达23.88%,且Co与N形成Co-N基团。性能分析显示,含氧基团与Co-N的协同作用有利于ORR向二电子(2e-)方向进行,且电子转移数(n)为2.52,环电流极限密度为0.4 mA/cm2, H2O2的选择性高达65.00%。
      Taking porous carbon (PC) spheres prepared from glucose as the matrix, Co/N-doped porous carbon sphere catalyst (PC-CoN) was prepared by rotary evaporation pyrolysis method. Then, the PC-CoN rich in oxygen groups (PC-CoN-O) was prepared by further oxidation, and their oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) performances were explored. Structural characterization showed that PC-CoN-O present a high specific surface area (703.95 m2/g) and abundant pore size, which was conducive to improving the mass transfer efficiency. Further analysis showed that the catalyst owned rich oxygen groups with oxygen atom fraction as high as 23.88% and the formation of Co-N groups. The results showed that the synergistic effect of oxygen groups and Co-N was beneficial to the ORR reaction in the direction of two electrons (2e-) with the electron transfer number (n) of 2.52, and the limiting density of the ring current of 0.4 mA/cm2, and the selectivity of H2O2 up to 65.00%, respectively.
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